David Batan

Orlando/Maitland Office
The Clayton & McCulloh Building
1065 Maitland Center Commons Blvd.
Maitland, FL 32751
(407) 875-2655
(407) 875-3363
- Experience:Dave has handled various management positions working for theater companies Off-Broadway, always in a position of working directly with audience building and talent relations. In between these jobs, he also worked as the general manager of seven branches for the largest NYC ticketing agency, working to build close relationships with accounts and regular clients. He also spent a year learning marketing as the assistant to the Creative Director at Rave Advertising in Manhattan. Upon returning to Florida, Dave joined Clayton & McCulloh in 2014 and currently works as the Coordinator of Client Services, a position that allows him to utilize his vast experience with clients, managers, communication and marketing, and data maintenance and analysis.
- Educational Background:University of Miami, 1985-87. Major in Print Journalism with a minor in Psychology New York University, 1987-89. Major in Dramaturgy/Communication, minor in Psychology
- PersonalDave has spent years volunteering for various crisis and suicide prevention centers, including shift manager for The Samaritans and, while at University of Miami, as a counselor and tutor for at-risk freshmen students. Other charity interests are serving at soup kitchens and animal rescue.